Planit Housing

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Understanding housing and social exclusion Planit-Housing learning simulation models a community and enables delegates (staff & residents) to develop an understanding of housing, health and exclusion in a unique and engaging way. Planit-Housing offers a flexible approach to promoting big picture thinking, understanding cause & effect, breaking down silos and developing soft skills & effective decision making. These skills have lasting benefits [...]


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Understanding Local Area Regeneration Regen-IT requires six teams to take responsibility for the regeneration of neighbourhoods in a virtual community. They have to deal with the differing issues of crime, transport, health, community well being, poverty, unemployment, housing, and the environment. Regen-IT learning simulation models the life of a borough with 5 neighbourhoods. Teams play the role [...]


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Preparing for Climate Change Planit4CAST learning simulation models the life of a virtual community with eight teams, representing key partners in the community such as Transport, Utilities, Town Hall, Housing, Health, Education and Emergency Services etc. The partnership needs to implement the key climate change indicators over a 20 year time frame. Implementing both mitigation [...]

Environmental Management

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Raising awareness of environmental management 10 module e-Learning course was developed for use by new employees and contractors. Need Hanson Aggregates and Tarmac needed to educate its workforce about the importance of environmental management issues. The issues were wide ranging and included noise, dust, oil storage, land management and visual impact. To complicate matters further the workforce [...]

Defra and MWDA

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Raising awareness of waste management across Merseyside Defra and Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority engaged Pixel Fountain to deliver a programme of workshops using our Planit Waste learning simulation. Need With all local authorities facing stringent targets for increasing the volume of waste that can be recycled and reducing the amount that goes to landfill sites, many are [...]


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Understanding waste management Planit Waste  learning simulation raises awareness of the serious waste management issues that are facing local areas. Planit Waste focuses on improving long term decision making. It also helps partnership building.  In particular between Local Authorities, Waste Collection Authorities (WCA) and Waste Disposal Authorities (WDA). Crucially, Planit-Waste is linked to the Landfill Allowance [...]

Planit Sefton

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Raising awareness of sustainability in Sefton Council Sefton MBC had attended a workshop on the PlanitNW programme and they were impressed with the way the workshop developed a holistic understanding of sustainable development and got everybody involved. Gary Mahoney was a key advocate of Planit-Sefton among many other environmental projects and causes - he is [...]


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Understanding sustainable communities Planit-Sustainability learning simulation raises awareness about sustainable development. The learning simulation models the life of a community. Teams play organisations a local partnership and need to create a sustainable community. The core learning simulation (computer based resource management game) is a sophisticated model of a virtual community. The simulation allows a group [...]


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Raising awareness of sustainability across the NW of England In 2003, pixelfountain approached the NWRA with the opportunity to develop a learning simulation to educate decision makers about the importance of sustainable development. Need The Regional Assembly and Government Office for the North West were keen to find an interesting way to promote sustainable development [...]